Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Message of love to the earth with music

From Antara news:

Also in:

Music is a life saver!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

From Agi: Emotion for a change

(AGI) Jakarta, Dec 4 - Italian musician Sara Michieletto is taking part in a concert on climate change called "Emotion for a change" in Jakarta on Saturday. 
She will perform a series of pieces devoted to the problem, accompanied by Dutch pianist Rene van Helsdingen, and linked with the UN conference in Paris, to help build awareness of the issue. 
The programme includes pieces inspired by Eugene Ysaye, Nildo Sanvido, Francesco de Guarnieri and Barbara Strozzi. She hopes to evoke feelings and emotions to persuade the most powerful nations on earth to take direct action to safeguard the planet. 
The concert is promoted by the Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Jakarta, with the support of the United Nations. 
Ms Michieletto will also run a series of music workshops for street children, with the NGO Kampus Kiakona Modern, Pondok Gede. (AGI).


Emotion for a change: Dec. 4th, 2015

A concert to bring awareness on climate change.

Violin and gamelan.

Music and Empathy in Jakarta, workshop 3

Workshop n.3

Thursday, December 3rd, 10-12 am



11 Kids from Kdm


Sara and Sotar, Mette, Mia, Mara, Roy


To improve the understanding of empathy and foster authenticity 


Main message:

An empathetic person can understand the reason why other people behave in a certain way.


- to learn to place in another person's position

- to work on Empathetic behaviours: don't judge the persons as a whole but only the specific acts that they have done.

 Tools that we will need:

- around 10 balloons

- small items for the kids to perform the drama

- guitar



- Song: The little green frog

(Team building activity)

(5 min)

- de- briefing on what we did the previous day

(5 min)

- story by Mette 

Mette will tell the kids a story, and Sara will underline it with a sort of soundtrack.

The story will be without an end, and will have to give elements to judge some other people behaviour.

We will ask the kids what they think and how the story could end.

Finally, Mette will tell them the whole story, in which the "evil" guy is shown with all the elements, so he/she doesn't appear evil any more.

If possible, it would be great to show it as a drama performed by the "trainers".

The story of the samurai and the old lady could work.

Share if something similar happened to you.

(40 min)

(If needed: mouse and cat game, to release energies)

- break -

- octopus game

(Warming up)

(10 min)

- Talk in the ear through the Balloon game 

Make pairs. One child Put the half full balloon on the ear of the other child and sings very softly a song (can be a lullaby).

Exchange roles

Ask them what they felt.

(10 min)

- Monti's Czarda music

The children first listen, trying to imagine a story following the music

Then we will divide them in three groups and ask them to make a small drama that suits the music and that shows some empathetic behaviour.

All of this, without speaking.

(30 min)

- Musica musica song

(Final song)

(2 min)

Music and Empathy in Jakarta, workshop 4

Workshop n.4

Friday, December 4th, 10-12 am



11 Kids from kdm


Sara and Sotar, Roy, Mette, Mara, Mia


To improve the understanding of empathy and foster authenticity 


Main message:

Knowing our emotions (in order to be able to better know other's emotions).


- to be aware of our feelings

- to learn how thinking can change our feelings

 Tools that we will need:

- Projector

- seven sheets, each with the name of an emotion on it (happy, sad, angry, calm, anxious, worried, enthusiastic

- guitar



- Song: The little green frog (fast, slow, loud, soft)

(Team building activity)

(5 min)

- de- briefing on what we did the previous day

(5 min)

- game: Sara plays a music and each of the kids and trainers run to the emotion they feel.

(To develop authenticity and self awareness, and check their mood)

(5 min)

- Roy activities on how our thinking can change our emotions, followed by discussion with the kids

(20 + 20 min)

If needed: - Octopus (or mouse and cat) game

(To release the tension)

(5 min)

- break -

Parachute games:

- making the sea (following the music)

-  making a flying cloud (to work on cooperation)

- running exchanging place under the parachute

- make a house

- make a drama on empathy: Sara will play some music and Sotar will tell them a Story invented by him in which they will have to act.

The Story could be a short situation in which they could have experienced empathy while living at kdm or in tue street, or a fantastic Story.

The parachute on the floor could be a house on a tree in the forest, or a boat in the era, or a safe place in the street, or a spacecraft in the space.

Mara could help playing with the kids.

(30 min)

- game of sharing our experience

Each of us will share what she/he felt, liked and disliked during the four workshops.

(15 min)

- circle of compliments

In a circle, each of us, in turn, will be told a compliment by the others.

(10 min)

- greetings

(5 min)

- Musica musica song

(Final song)

(2 min)

Music and Empathy in Jakarta, workshop 2

Workshop n. 2

Wednesday, December 2nd, 10-12 am



11 Kids from Kdm


Sara and Sotar, Roy, Mette, Mia, Mara


Main message:

An empathetic person is someone who can share another person's feelings. 


- to understand other person's feelings

- to work on Empathetic behaviours

 Tools that we will need:

- an A3 sheet and a pen

- guitar

- projector (Roy)



- Song: The little green frog (two voices)

(Team building activity)

(5 min)

- de- briefing on what we did the previous day

(5 min)

- Ask the kids to name as many emotions as they can, and write it down.

Then name those emotions and ask the children to make the face expression and body language to show it.

(To collect their knowledge)

(5 min)

- Roy activities on how to understand other person's feelings.


How the emotional brain works and mirror neurons (slides)

Have the kids been taught about Self Awareness? i.e. Are able to recognise their own feelings and thoughts , and importantly, understand how thoughts determine feelings and actions?   It is good if they understand this because its the basis to understand how others feel and think.

One idea that comes to mind is to show pictures of faces with different expressions and have the kids try to see what emotions the person in the picture is feeling.

We could also have them make faces of different feelings and then others have to guess what feeling they are expressing.

For conflict resolution I have some slides for kids to explain about how sometimes our emotions (such as anger) are a FALSE alarm, based on thought that doesn't reflect reality.  (e.g.  She bumped into me on purpose)

(30 min)

- Octopus game

(Releasing energies  game)

One child is in the middle of the room and is the octopus.

The other children are "fishes", at one side of the room.

At the start, the fishes try to reach the other side of the room without being touched by the octopus.

Who will be touched become an octopus and will help him for the second round, sitting down where they have being tagged, and moving the arms.

The last fish will be the octopus for the next time.

(10 min)

    - break -

- Mirror game 

(To improve empathic observation)

With faster music, in pairs, move, one in front of the other, like in a mirror.

Then, exchange roles.

Exchange the feelings.

(20 min)

- Rhythmic circle (led by them)

(To have fun, foster self esteem and improve concentration)

(10 min)

-Listen carefully to Sara playing (Tartini's Abandoned Dido)

What story do you imagine?

Which feelings are inside the music?

Sara tells the original story.

What would you have done or said to her, if Dido had been your friend?

Play the music again

(20 min)

- Musica musica song

(Final song)

(2 min)

Jakarta post, today

Music and Empathy in Jakarta, workshop 1

Workshop n.1

Tuesday, December 1st, 2-4 pm



11 Kids of Kdm.


Sara and Sotar, Mette, Mia, Mara, Roy


To improve the understanding of empathy and foster authenticity 

Main message:

Empathy is the capacity to place oneself in another's position, the ability to feel and share another person’s emotions.


- Improve and develop vocabulary on emotions

- to learn what empathy is

 Tools that we will need:

- a bunny/bear easy to hold and soft to throw (Sotar)

- a guitar (Sotar )

- seven sheets, each with the name of an emotion on it (happy, sad, angry, calm, anxious, worried, enthusiastic) (Mara)

- banner of emotions (to be hanged at the end of the session) (Sotar)

- banner of golden rules. (To be hanged at the beginning) (Sotar)



- Song: The little green frog

(Team building activity)

(5 min)

- Greetings, introduction of Trainers and workshops

(10 min)

- Dance: 

(To enhance authenticity)

Dance freely on the different music that Sara will play (panjang umurnya, adagio from Vivaldi's winter, jakarta fantasy, tarantella).

Ask which music they prefered to dance, and what emotion they felt while dancing.

(10 min)

- How do you feel today game

(To share how each participant feels)

Show on the bunny/bear how do you feel now. The others have to guess.

5 min

- Rhythmic circle (led by Sara only)

(To have fun and improve concentration)

(5 min)

- Active listening game

(To improve empathy)

Make pairs, one in front of the other, one talks about something that is important for her/hem, and the other has to listen very carefully.

Then exchange the roles.

Share their feelings in the group.

Sotar asks if they felt empathy. 

(Empathy is the capacity to place oneself in another's position, the ability to feel and share another person’s emotions.)

(30 min).

     - break - (15-20 min)

- Mirror game 

(To improve empathic observation)

With violin soft music, in pairs, move, one in front of the other, like in a mirror.

Then, exchange roles.

Exchange the feelings.

(20 min)

- sit in a circle and discuss about empathy: Sotar will ask if they know this word and collect what they know about it.

Then they will talk about the lyrics of The little green frog: is it empathetic to become all upset when one person is behaving naughty?

what do the frogs do later on?

What do you do when the mood around is tense and difficult?

(On empathy)

(20 min)

- game: sara plays a music and each of the kids and trainers run to the emotion they feel

(To develop authenticity and self awareness, and check their mood)

(5 min)

- Musica musica song

(Final song)

(2 min)

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Music for a change, in Alessandria, 29th November, 2015, 5 pm

Recital by Sara Michieletto (violin) and Giorgio Schiavon (saxophone)

Music and emotions to tackle the climate change.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Music and the climate change: let's take action! Jakarta, December 5th, 2015

The humanity of Idomeneo

Idomeneo is a thunderstorm of emotions.

Mozart describes with all the colors of the human feelings how the honest king is anguished and stormy against the gods.

Listen to the aria "Fuor del mar" to get an idea on how he depicts the inner emotions with sofisticated psychology.
In this aria Idomeneo, after the shipwreck, sings: "outside the sea, I have a sea inside of me. And the second is more threatening than the first."
In the music we can hear the waves of both the seas and the anguish and anger of the king.

Awesome melodies, amazing harmonies, surprising chromatisms, sudden changes of tonalities bring the player and the listener to the archetips world, with magnificient beauty.

And Mozart could not end his "opera seria" with the implicit optimism glowing on all his operas: Neptune says "Love won. Innocence is rewarded ".

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Optimism in the Magic Flute

The Magic Flute, by W.A. Mozart
Teatro la Fenice, October 2015

" the Magic Flute the difficulties of Pamina and Tamino to reach the love dream are the image of the moving optimism of Mozart, even if in a deep misery.

They are his irrational and sublime word of trust on the goodness of the human kind and on the positivity of life."

Massimo Mila

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Mapping our feelings

What's the consequence of your feelings?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

An article on how to recognize emotions

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Workshop 4: Let's learn more about emotions!

Workshop 4: Let's learn more about emotions!

August 27th, 2015

Workshop at SOS village Sarajevo - n. 4

Main goal:

Improve emotional alphabetization 


- improve team trust and intimacy

- Improve and develop vocabulary on emotions

- improve self esteem

- improve creativity/authenticity


- Song of the emotions (Emocija pjesma):

(2 min)

- Game: London bridge 

(To let them play and get tired)

(5 min)

- Dance of the emotions

(Emotional awareness, creativity)

 (sara will play a music and they will have to portray with their face and body the emotion that I am conveying with the music)

(5 min)

- The game of talking with numbers

(For emotional body awareness)

(Divide them in couples. They will have to talk saying only numbers instead of words, and use the tone of the voice and non verbal skills to express themselves)

(5 min)

- The game of the emotions in the body (they have to guess ):

(Emotional body awareness)

a- what emotion is conveying a person tilting the head forward? (ostility) - try!

b- titling the head on the right side (invitation)

c- on the left side (surprise)


d- half-closing the eyes (ostility)

e- open-wide the eyes (surprise)

f- turning the eyes to the left (suspicion) or to the right (inviting), 

g- or high (hope), down towards up (ostility)


h- tight lips (ostility)

i- down (sadness)

l- up (joy)

m- one up and one down (distrust)


n-down (discourajement, dejection)

o- towards the back (challenge)

p- one shoulder up and head turned to left (resignation)

And what about the hands? they are so expressive that we can even speak only with the hands and without any word.

Divide in couple

Let's try.

(10 min)

- The game of guessing the emotion through the posture

(I will walk in front of the kids with different postures and the kids will have to guess what feeling I am having)

- The kids (one by one) also do the same

(The kids have to walk and the others guess) 

(10 min)

- Mouse and cat game

(Let the energies go out)

(5 min)

- read the poem: THE GUEST HOUSE

"This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out

for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.

meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond."

— Jellaludin Rumi,

translation by Coleman Barks


(10 min)

- music musica song

(2 min)



- walking with emotions

Anger, fear, tired, hungry, sleeping, scared, happy, worry, nervous, sad, in a hurry, nervous, happy, full stomach satisfaction, feeling good, satisfied

- game "the human knot"

(For team building)

(5 min)

- rhythmical circle (with emotions)

(5 min)

- drama.

Divide them in 4 groups.

Pick an emotion and make a drama about it.

(10 min)


Workshop 2: Emotions and communication

Workshop 2: emotions and communication

August 25th, 2015:  Workshop at SOS village Sarajevo - n. 2

Main message:

1) emotions provide very important informations in our communications


- improve team trust and intimacy

- Improve and develop vocabulary on emotions

- improve self esteem

- improve creativity/authenticity



- Song of the emotions (Emocija pjesma):

(2 min)

- mouse And cat game

(To let them express their energies)

(5 min)

- "invent your dance" game: make a circle, make an original movement that everybody has to imitate, stay until the music changes, dont talk. (Sara plays) 

(5 min)

- game "Say loudly your name" and pick the ball at your way

(To learn each others names, improve self esteem and creativity)

(5 min)


- game "how do you feel today" (walking accordingly to your mood);

(For emotional awareness)

(5 min)

- Walking blind game

(For Team building and trustfulness)

This is a silent activity.

Students work in pairs.

Partner 1 is instructed to close their eyes as partner 2 leads them around the space.

Partner 2’s goal is to make their partner feel as safe as possible. They must determine what is best for their partner (without talking) – walking with both hands held, one hand held, arm around shoulder, etc.

Let them wander for 2 minutes or so, keeping their movement slow at all times. Switch.


How did you make your partner feel safe? What did your partner do that made you feel safe?

(10 min)

- game about what information is given through emotions:


Ask the kids what they do understand from the different ways of saying something.

Ask if in their opinion what Elzaheta says counts more of how she says it.

Explanation: sometime the informations that we get through emotions are different from the words we listen to. 

It is important to understand the meaning of the emotions of the person talking as much as the meaning of words. 

Emotions provide very important informations in our communications (90% of our communication is non verbal!).

 (15 min)

- game: Walk like animals (mouse, lion, butterfly, snake)

The way animals behave, their attitude can be similar to specific human emotions (fear, pride, lightness, slimy,  anger, ...)

(5 min)

- Musica musica song

(5 min)



- Focusing and slowing down excercise (If needed, to improve focusing):

Walking slowly,

slowing down to feel ourselves do something normal in a extraordinary way

ask the kids to walk very very slowly, being aware of each single movement of their body.

Keep the escercise for 2 minutes (better 5 minutes).

Workshop 1: What is it an emotion?

Workshop 1
SOS village, Sarajevo

What is it an emotion?

August 24th, 2015

Workshop 1


SOS village, drustveni center


Main message:

Emotions are necessary for human beings.

There are no good or bad emotions. All the Emotions are useful.


- To start building a trustful team

- What are the emotions?

- Improve and develop vocabulary on emotions

 Tools that we will need:

- a ball (or a bunny/bear easy to hold and soft to throw)

- a guitar

- seven sheets, each with the name of an emotion on it

- banner of emotions (to be hanged at the end of the session)

- banner of golden rules.




- Greetings, introduction of Trainers and workshops

(5 min)

- Song: the emotions (Emocija pjesma):

(For emotional alphabetization)

(10 min)

- Ball name game

(To learn each others names)

(5 min)

- rhythmic circle (led by Sara only)

(To have fun and improve concentration)

(5 min)

- violin: playing the same music in two ways: with or without emotions.

(6 min)

- circle and discussion:

Ask the kids what difference they saw and felt.

Ask what is it an emotion in their opinion.

- ask the kids to name as many emotions as they can, and write it down

(5 min)

- Imagine ignoring your emotions and what they make you feel:

Short dramas:

(10 min)

- ask: do you think there are good and bad emotions?

Or do you think they all are useful for some purpose?

Sara explains:

"You might describe some of your emotions as positive and others as negative, because the ways in which emotions make you feel. 

Emotions are not necessarily good or bad. 

In fact, there are many ways in which those so-called negative emotions are just useful to you as the positive ones."

(5 min)

- game: sara plays a music and each of the kids and trainers run to the emotion they feel

(To develop authenticity and self awareness)

(5 min)

- final song: musica musica song

(5 min)



Sara explains:

"Imagine ignoring your emotions and what they make you feel.

If you did, you would not be disgusted by eating something that was rotten, you wouldn't be scared in front of a hungry lion, and you might not react if a friend would punch you.

You wouldn't even care if someone likes you or about winning a match!

So, one purpose of emotions is to provide you with information about a situation that can help you to respond and make decision."

(20 min)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Workshop 3: All the emotions can be useful

All the emotions can be useful.
Understanding each other emotions makes the communication much more effective.

August 26th, 2015

Workshop at SOS village Sarajevo - n. 3

Main messages:

1) emotions provide very important informations in our communications

2) all the emotions are useful


- improve team trust and intimacy

- Improve and develop vocabulary on emotions

- improve self esteem

- improve creativity/authenticity


- Song of the emotions (Emocija pjesma)

(5 min)

- mouse And cat game

(To let them express their energies)

(5 min)

- walking with emotions

Anger, fear, tired, hungry, sleeping, scared, happy, worry, nervous, sad, in a hurry, nervous, happy, full stomach satisfaction, feeling good, satisfied

- game "how do you feel today" (walking accordingly to your mood);

(For emotional awareness)

(5 min)

- Game: London bridge 

(To let them play and get tired)

(5 min)

- rhythmical circle (with emotions)

(5 min)

- Focusing and slowing down excercise (If needed, to improve focusing):

Walking slowly,

slowing down to feel ourselves do something normal in a extraordinary way

ask the kids to walk very very slowly, being aware of each single movement of their body.

( 5 minutes).

- Listening game: 

(To start focusing)

all sitting in a circle. One outside make some noise, and stops nearby one kid: when he listen to it, they exchange roles.

(5 min)

- what do you remember from yesterday and before yesterday?

1) There are no good or bad emotions. All the Emotions are useful. 

2) emotions provide very important informations in our communications

Divide them in two groups and ask to make a drama about n. 1 and n.2


(15 min)

- last game: applause in a circle. 

(For self confidence)

Learn how to Accept the applauses.

(5 min)

- music musica song

(2 min)