Sunday, May 19, 2013

FLOWERS - PT kids at the Italian Cultural Center

On Saturday 18th, fourteen kids of PT orphanage performed their show on emotional awareness at the Italian Cultural Center of Jakarta.

They were so happy, after the show!
They were proud of being protagonist and they were glad of being able to visit a new place, out of the orphanage, being free to enjoy their time and space.

These events really boost their self-confidence and their capacity of commitment.

Before the course, many of them were not thinking about their future.
Now, after 15 months of work together, they started wishing things for their life after Pondok Taruna: being teacher, opening small businesses, becoming actors, going back to their villages to improve the life there.

This is the result of both their awareness of being able to complete a task (performing a show after many rehearsals) and their improved self-esteem (as being protagonist in front of an audience makes them feel stronger).

Thank you to the persons who came and applauded them!

Our goal, for next year, is to start to train the trainers (one of the ibu leading the orphanage already asked if she could join the activities) and to have the choreographer and dancer Silvia Gribaudi ( coming to give a special workshop on dance and body awareness.

I strongly believe that a workshop on the body, discovering how the emotions affect our postures, would be of great help to the kids.

But, on this regard, I will keep you posted.

See, below, a picture of us after the show.