Participants: nine kids of the blue class
Ibu Uut, Mette, Nancy, Mara, Benedetta
Kids love this game. We introduced some ground rules: They’re not allowed to get outsine the boundaries of the pendopo, not allowed to climb on the walls. Also reminded them of the 3 Golden Rules: 1. Don’t hurt others, 2. Don’t hurt yourself, 3. Don’t break stuff. They took turns in being the MrSad. It worked quite well.
There was some miscommunication about activities, so we did peeling mandarins and kids had to try to get the skin off in the shape of a spiral. Ali helped in in distributing the mandarins among the others. He’s responding quite well to doing small tasks. Only, when things don’t go the way he wants, he tends to sulk and isolate himself.
T. didn’t want to join in the beginning of the activities, but when he saw the kids received fruit, he quickly joined in. We told him that he already made a choice to not join, so he should consider the consequence. He didn’t say much, just gave back the fruit and left.
A. started to peel without listening to the instructions. Most kids started, but stopped when we told them they had to listen first.
We handed out all the madarins to F., who won the previous game. He gave the other kids their share.
Kids did quite well with this exercise, although there were some kids who tried to peek and some of the kids who wre the ‘rocks’ forgot to make noise.
Yellow Class
Participants: 9 kids
Trainers: Pak Ian, Mette, Nanacy, Benedetta, Stefania,Mara
1. Little Green Frog song
2. Reviewing posters rules activities, let 1 kid explain.
It looks a bit as if the Yellow group is a bit bored with this activity.
3 "Getting a ship to the harbour"
One child is named "the harbour" and makes a sound he or she decides on and sits still somewhere in the room.
Half of the children are ships and have to sit down moving backwards towards the harbour. The ships cannot see where the harbour sits down and must be in position with eyes closed first.
The other half of the children are "rocks" and they position themselves on the floor between the harbour and the ships and decide on a sound for a rock. The sound is made constantly to warn the ships.
The rocks and the harbour cannot move. Only the ships can move backwards with closed eyes sitting down.
If the ships bump in to the rocks they have to start over at the harbour again.
The game is over when all ships have reached the harbour!
They really like this activity. Only, there is a lot of cheating. Some of the boys and D. try to peek or pretend they didn’t touch the ‘rocks’ when they were ‘ships’.
A. looked very involved.
They played the game several times, all of them taking turns to be ‘rocks’, ‘ships’ or ‘harbours’
Note: A. walked with me to my car after the activities. This is the first time he did that. I asked him if he liked the activities and he said he did. He was smiling a lot during the session.
I’m also still amazed by D. I remember that before the long holiday break, he was apathetic, didn’t say a word and slept during the activities. We used to carry him around. Now he’s an active, happy boy, who even jokes around.