Sunday, November 24, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
KDM, report of the activities held on November 14th, 2013
November 14th:
Present: A., S., R., F. A., A., R.
Absent: E., A., I.
Trainers: U., N., N., E.
What we will need:
- guitar
- a ball or any object we can throw
- a sheet and a pencil for each of the kids
- colorful pens
- a projector and a laptop
- two small violins
Warming up games
a - Do the game "say loudly your name" and pick the ball;
- followed by the "how do you feel today" game (picking the ball accordingly with your mood);
Kids follow instructions fairly well. Still bit shy shouting out name.
When everybody shouts the name of the person who holds the ball, they all shout very loud.
S., khawatir
U.t, Tidak fokus
F.i, kesal mau non jok A., sayang mama
F. sedih, ingat ayah
N. tidak fokus
A. sedih, A. kakinya sakit
S., kasihan sama A.
E., heran, because children more focused. Makes her Happy
A., senang because S. helped her.
F., kesal sama A.,
R. kesal sama A..
A.: merasa sabar dengar teman2 kesal sama dia. (He feels he has to be patients with his friends when he hears everybody is upset with him).
b - Song
** Colors and Emotions **
1st EXERCISE: Sara will play 4 short pieces of classic music.
The kids close their eyes, let their emotions raise when listening to the music and think freely to one or two colors which they think could represent their emotions in that moment.
E. will provide each of the kids with pens of different colors so, after the music has finished, they can open their eyes and soon draw with the color they felt.
E. will take note of each kid's expression.
Blue: R.
Purple: A., U.
Yellow: F.
Red: F., A.
Green: S.
White: F..
Kids don't want to share a colour with another child.
Green: S.
Red: F., F., R.
Yellow: U., E.
Purple: A.
Orange: F.
Blue: S., F.
Red: U., E., F.
Yellow: A.
Purple: S.,F.,F.
Orange: A.
Blue: N.
Green: N., R., U.
Red: A.
Purple: E.
Orange: S.
Blue: F.
Red: F.
Purple: E., A.
Orange: A., R., S., F.
Blue: F., U.
E. explains her profession as a photographer. Kids are very interested.
A. wants to become photographer
F. photographer and doctor
- Trial of small violins
A. loves to experiment on the violin. He didn't ant to let go of the violin.
F. enjoyed to try out the violin too.
Snack time
- Focusing and slowing down excercise (If needed, to improve focusing):
Walking slowly,
slowing down to feel ourselves do something normal in a extraordinary way
ask the kids to walk very very slowly, being aware of each single movement of their body.
Kids are quite focused
A. chooses R. and S. as the best slow walkers
Different levels fast-slow
Kids like the variations of speed.
2nd EXERCISE: E. will project different pictures (max 5 photos) strongly characterized by a color which gives a "particular meaning" to the subject and while looking at the picture, she will ask (on voluntary reply):
1- what they feel about that image;
2- why they are feeling that emotion (or they are thinking that way);
3- what are the elements of the image that they think help more to sense that feeling.
* Picture 1 - Lion cage (main color, red)
They felt: pity, sadness, loving animals.
They want to shoot the people who lock up animals. Animals should be free.
Animal feels sad, wants to be free. They see tears in the lion's eye.
A. says lion wants to go to jungle, others wants to live free, see friends again family
F., angry animal wants to eat people who caged him.
A. said that animals looks scary
What is the lions voice: kids all roar
* Picture 2 - Lions in the savannah (main color, yellow)
They felt: the lion is happy to be back home, to meet the famiy and find its own food, the family is reunited, they can play with friends, somebody saw saliva in the lion's mouth and assumed that the lion is hungry.
What is the difference between the two pictures?
S. second lion more happy, free
A., can sleep whenever he wants
R. the animal has be be careful not to get caught again
F., now he is happy
A., One caged, other free
A., caged, can't meet other lion, other free
* Picture 3 - Photo sleeping women with baby (main color sand and red)
A., baby sleeps, feels pity, because baby is naked
F. sad
F., pity because hot and sand
S. pity, looks like her little sister
* Picture 4 - a person behind window (main color, blue)
A., pity because person is alone and neglected
R., pity because the person must be cold
R. likes the blue picture better, likes the color blue.
* Picture 5 - Forest photo (main color, green)
F., happy
A. sad and happy
A. happy
- Musica musica song
S. wants to learn second voice.
F. goes out. Rest of the kids enjoy the song.
F. is very enthusiastic
A. loves to sing second voice
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Training of trainers, KDM, October 30th, 2013
October 30th:
Developig a vocabulary on emotions, working with "anger"
What we will need:
- 12 sheets with the name and drawing of 12 emotions:
1 left out: ditinggalkan
2 joyful : riang
3 stuck: terjebak
4 undeserving (something) : tidak pantas mendapatkan (sesuatu)
5 energized : bersemangat
6 confident: yakin
7 blamed: disalahkan
8 cheerful : ceria
9 rejected: ditolak
10 resentful: tersinggung
11 bothered: terganggu
12 stressed
- tape (to hang the drawings)
- The banner of emotions (only take it out after the brain-storming)
- three folded pieces of paper: in one it will be written 1, in another 2 and then 3.
- 6 blindfolds
- write on a big sheet(at least A3, you can use two A4 sheets taped together):
"Yakin ceria, yakin ceria,
terggangu, terggangu
ditolak disalahkan, ditolak disalahkan,
bersemangat, bersemangat"
N., U., I., U., A., L.
W., UN photographer
L. and A., from Chance to dance
Warming up
1 - warming up the body
breathing together
sing "Yakin ceria, yakin ceria,
terggangu, terggangu
ditolak disalahkan, ditolak disalahkan,
bersemangat, bersemangat" (with Frere Jacques tune)
Ask what they do remember from the last meeting: they mostly remember the games we have done.
Team building games
2 - Blindfold game
Walking blind
hula hoop
human knot
pretend to be a child or a teacher
writing characteristics and who it belongs to
star with compliments
what like or dislike on paper
U. learnt how to identify emotions is already important to teach the children
when she knows what the children are feeling it makes her easier to handle the situation
makes easier to give the learning ways for the children
She is flexible and doesnt force the children to learn
A. is a bit more obeyent
Encourage comfortability among the group.
Encourage trust.
This is a silent activity. Students work in pairs.
Partner 1 is instructed to close their eyes as partner 2 leads them around the space.
Partner 2’s goal is to make their partner feel as safe as possible. They must determine what is best for their partner (without talking) – walking with both hands held, one hand held, arm around shoulder, etc.
Let them wander for 2 minutes or so, keeping their movement slow at all times. Switch.
How did you make your partner feel safe? What did your partner do that made you feel safe?
3 - Game with music and emotions (drawings hanging in the room)
They have first to listen carefully and then position themselves next to the drawing that more suits their emotion.
They were feeling really free to choose their emotions.
U., needs to be mor concentrated to feel what she really feels.
A., she is very expressive, and if she is sad she sings a sad song, she express her emotions with singing, lot of emotions: if she is angry she sings religous songs
4 - Music and imagination
Play a music and ask them what story it could be narrating
Talk about the emotions, and ask them to mention as many as they can. Write it down.
5 - Work on "feeling stormy"
Talk about the different intensity of feeling stormy, from bothered to furious.
Ask to tell a story regarding those feelings.
Ask to tell how the body reacts when angry.
Role play: divide the ibus in three groups, ask them to take one ticket among three (in each of them it will be written 1 or 2 or 3).
They did the role play stories very well.
- Snack time -
kesal, annoyed
jenkel, irritated
sebel, annoyed
keceua, disappointed
marah sekali
ngamuk, furious
6 - Talking together about their personal experience
What do you do when you are angry? How do you react?
A.: 2 alternatif: one, she sits with no expression feeling sick inside, shaking, boiling inside, when somebody is there she throws there her anger, heart is quickly beating, the breath is heavy, no sweating
L.: she writes when she is angry, drawings of nature beacause she wants to be in the drawings who sooths her, she feels sorry for being angry,
this morning she was angry because her mother in law is sick and she has to take care of her, prepare the daily routine, her daughter is also sick, and she is also not feeling well but she had to take care of everything. She felt that nobody helped her but the person didnt want t help her.
She was feeling stressed.
But if she puts music she forgets.
I.: depends on her mood: if she is happy she just forget and do another activity.
If her mood is not good she feels furious, in that case she doesnt want the chilren near her beacause she will be angry with them.
Watch tv, playing piano, or eat.
Last time she got angry was 3 days ago because she asked her eldest son to help to sweep the floor and tidy up, he just playied and she gave punishment him not giving allowance for a week.
If they are angry often foreigners cant see it
U., when si is angry she will talk a lot, from low tone to high tone.
This morning she got angry with A. as she had to repeat many time the same things until at one point she just ignored him. A. was teasing R..
S. smashed A.. So U. tried A. to move out of R..
A. went out, but he kept saying bad words to U. and the class.
Why A. behaves like that: because he wants to get attention for himsef.
How do the children express their anger:
- leaving the class and playing outside
- they cry
- they will tell the teacher who keeps annoying them
- crying, talking with loud voice, smashing the table, keep silent (F.), fighting.
Ask about difficult situation that they are facing, role playing.
How to manage anger?
How do you think the kids manage it?
Help the kids to find the words to explain their strong feelings.
The challenge is to let them epress their emotion without affecting the others and the class: how?
Decide when to do the next training.
More contents:
- how can we deal with anger?
* step away from your anger and distract yourself for a while so that you do not make decisions that are simply based on emotion. Taking deep breaths can be very relieving.
* Use "I" statement to describe what you are feeling rather than blame or point out the faults of someone or something else (so, if someone pushes you in the lunch line, instead of saying "you are a jerk" you might instead say "I dont like being pushed".
* Figure out a safe way to express your anger in a way that doenst hurt anyone or anything.
* Always try to speak in a voice that is not too loud or sarcastic. An angry tone of voice makes it impossible for the other person to hear what you are saying because they will only hear the anger, not your words.
* talk to someone about your angry feelings - even to a pet or a doll.
* stand-up for yourself. Knowing that anger is a self-protective response, next time someone teases you, realize that you are angry because you were put down and hurt, take a deep breath, and try to stay calm. Even if you simply say that you dont appreciate being teased, then, at least, the focus would be on the person who made the comment, rather then on your angry response.
KDM, report of the activities held on October 31st, 2013
October 31st, 2013:
Participants: 11 kids
Trainers: N., U.
E., W., UN photographer
What we will need:
- a guitar
- two small violins
- a big sheet of paper with written the lyrics of the song
- 11 pencils and 11 sheets (to allow the kids to draw)
- 12 sheets with the name and drawing of 12 emotions:
1 left out: ditinggalkan
2 joyful : riang
3 stuck: terjebak
4 undeserving (something) : tidak pantas mendapatkan (sesuatu)
5 energized : bersemangat
6 confident: yakin
7 blamed: disalahkan
8 cheerful : ceria
9 rejected: ditolak
10 resentful: tersinggung
11 bothered: terganggu
12 stressed
Activities, indoor:
1- Warming up games:
Stretching and breathing.
Song about their names.
They seemed to like the song.
We then went outdoor.
We played with the parachute and they enjoyed it.
First we did the waves (they liked it), then the "house inside" (they liked this very much), then the exchange places running under the parachute game (they didn't understand the rules and were very unfocused at first).
After this we did a role play game: Sara was playing "Venice Indonesia", they were sitting on the parachute, and we pretended to be on a boat, with the sea all around.
Then, they told Sara very interesting stories about what they imagined listening to the music.
They told us stories about helping other children so they didn't fell down from the boat. A kid told about a big boat that wreck and they were the survivors and help others to get into lifeboat.
Others were telling about somebody sleeping on the boat, then a thunderstorm was coming, then the rainbow.
Sara thinks they liked this activity, even if it was very noisy to do it outside.
Snack time
Then we went inside and, as promised, I let them try to play my two 1/4 and 2/4 violins.
They enjoyed it a lot, and F. was very good.
Then, to get their focus, we started with the little magic ball game. Some of them were not doing it, but were following from the sofà.
We then sat in a circle I played Vivaldi Thunderstorm twice.
Only two of them were feeling "anger" while listening to the music.
N. asked if they know the following words:
annoyed: kesal
irritated: jengkel
upset: terganggu
hurt: terluka
impatient: tidak sabar
frustrated: frustasi / kecewa
aggravated: disakiti / dijengkelkan
bothered: terganggu
unloved: tidak dicintai
discouraged: patah hati / patah semangat
neglected: ditelantarkan
rejected: ditolak
put down: diremehkan / dihina / dicela
bitter: getir
resentful: tersinggung
They knew almost all of these feelings.
We then talked together about how they were feeling:
R. marah sama ali when he said A. kicked him
A. kesal sama febri because she annoyed her when she wants to learn ...
W. kesal with the children because when he was in the shower the door was opened by other children
Senang because in Kdm bisa belajar
S. is sad because she cannot go home, she is missing her parents
A., kesal when he tried to study somebody writes in his book
E. sedih, missing his parents, senang because he can learn kdm
A. Marah, kesal, senang
F., kesal sama F. nag senang, kesal sama N.
F., kesal sama febri
U., senang
N., terggangu, children opening the door disturbing
E., tired, but happy because they work more
A., sedih, is missing his mum,
We finished with the yes no game and sang the first song.
KDM, report of the activities held on October 24th, 2013
Report of the activities held on October 24th, at KDM Jakarta
-Cooperative games (to build the group)
- What are the emotions?
- Improve and develop vocabulary on emotions
we will need:
- the recording of a song that the kids like
- a funny object easy to be held
- the hula hoop
- 6 blindfolds
- banner of emotions
Ten kids from the blue class
N., U., N,
Group building games:
- Greetings and Ball name game
There are some kids who didn't join the class last week.
Kids seem excited to see us.
S. said she looked forward to do musical activities again. She wants to learn to play the violin.
- what do you remember from last time?
They remembered the human knot and the hula hoop game.
- We than played pretending to be on a boat (to try to boost their fantasy).
They liked very much this activity.
N. was the wind, A. the rain and E. the waves.
- little fish game
Kids like this game, even E. participates.
A. is behind piano, reading, but now and then peeks around the corner to see what we are doing.
S. hangs on the sofa.
- stretching and breathing together
I think they enjoyed (even if the attention goes quickly off) it.
A. is reading and pretending not to be interested
New kids: S. and D. (younger siblings of S.)
- rhythmical circle
Only Sara gave the inputs for repetition.
A. went out during gym voice game
Kids love it, the louder the better.
E. is outside the circle, but seems to enjoy the games. Follows instructions with a smile.
A. came back after a few minutes.
- tuc tic tac song
They already knew it.
Still, they were not so good in singing (X was singing loudly and out of tune, R. was very tuned)
- Hula hoop, 30 seconds round hoop last time.
1st time 1:44
2nd time 49 secs
They were well following the rules and probably enjoying.
- detangling human knot
Kids were very fast in detangling. They like the game and are lining up to take turns.
They were detangling simple situations.
- Walking blind I'm pairs
Some of them didn't want to do it.
Other seemed to like it a lot.
Anyway, the location is very noisy and confused and it is difficult to perform this game with the due silence and concentration.
We asked them how they felt after the blind game:
F. happy
F. happy
A. happy
E. sad
A. happy
S. happy
S. sadar diri
A. angry
R. angry
F. happy
N. tenang
A. happy
We asked: How did you make your partner feel safe? What did your partner do that made you feel safe?
They did quite a good job, seemed to have no problem with trust as some of them were joking around. F. was walking with N., when she was wearing the blindfold, she was leading where to go and when N. was wearing the blindfold, she tried to run with her and kept bumping into others.
We went inside.
Improve and develop vocabulary on emotions
After a very difficult time to get all the children back from the snack, we tried to play a pretending game.
Kids pretended to be Forest animals in different parts of the forest (river, forest and mountain) and U. and N. had to walk around as 2 humans.
We told them that they could choose if they wanted to scare or to embrace the two.
All of them were scaring the 3 ladies.
They were very noisy and started to tease each other with their animals.
F. and R. we're rolling over the floor all the time.
The crocodile kids were hanging on the sofa making noise.
Only S. was very quiet, lying on the floor and looking around.
They seem to like games that have potential to be noisy and chaotic.
The animal that they have chosen to be:
Panther: A.,
Crocodiles: A., F., F., F., S.
Cobra: E.,
Elephant: S.
Lions: A., R., S.
After the game we asked what they felt:
Senang (happy): R., F., A., A., F., S., S. said they were feeling happy.
A. said he felt angry.
E. said he felt sad.
Sara then played "Danny boy".
The kids were listening carefully.
They said that they loved to hear the music.
Then Sara asked them to imagine a story on it but they could say other things than "happy".
So she suggested that that piece was a song, and asked them where the song could have been settled.
They said in the river, and on the sea.
Then Sara wished to play again to help them imagining more.
U. got very upset with the kids because they were very noisy and we're rolling over the floor during Sara's second piece. She asked them if Sara should continue, but warned them that it wouldn't happen if they were disruptive.
Finally Sara played again.
We discussed again and here it is what they said:
S.: felt happy and the music makes the children quiet
A.: happy
The kids usually say the the music makes them senang.
They have a small vocabulary where it concerns emotions. They always say that they happy, angry or sad.
Comment: also because some of them can't read, find pics that show emotions and try to give them a wider range of vocabulary.
Invent story with Sara's suggestions: the sea and a lady
We forgot who exactly said the following:
- a lady looks at the water
- a lady who is swimming in nice cool water
- a hippo in the river
- a lady in a boat in the sea
We ended with Musica Musica song.
A. sat with N. after the session. He was asking questions about the Titanic. How many people were on board, if it happened a long time ago, how many people were killed and where it sank.
He mentioned that they watched the movie a while ago.
He was very interested if it would be possible to bring the ship out of the water.
After they chatted, N. asked him if he liked the sessions. He said he did. He didn't want to answer why he doesn't participate, but he wants us to continue.
emotional awareness,
Sara Michieletto,
strains of violin,
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