Thursday, March 6, 2014

Report of the activities held at KDM, on February 27th, 2014

February, 27th 2014 Report

Participants: 12 kids of the Yellow class

Educators: Sara, Nancy, Sotar, Susanne, Uli

1. Warm up: Human knot game

During the First 2 attempts the kids were a bit too fast and rough. The Untangling phase didn't work out; they left their friends' hands. The last attempt went well and fast.

They made their own variation and they were eager to show it: standing and facing inwards, holding hands and Moving in such a way that they ended up in a circle again, but facing outward. And then back again, facing inwards.


*They cooperated well, and they were very fast, and proud to show the exercise.



2. Walking with different speeds:


• First walk ranging from 1 to 5 (1 slow, 5 fast)

• Sara played the music; kids followed the tempo of the music.

• Subsequently the kids Walked and then, when the music stops, they both greeted and expressed the mood of the music to the person next to them (for example: if the music was sad, s/he can look his/her mate with a very sad expression and cry, if the music conveyed anger, s/he can act pretending to be angry on her/him, and so on, according to what s/he perceived from the music).


* They spread out well all over the space available in the room. Nobody walked in groups. They seemed to enjoy the exercise. A lot of laughs.



3. Recalling emotions


Sat in circle and discussed the last session


• *M: gembira (excited/very happy)

• Ar: kesal (annoyed), takut (afraid), tegang (tense/nervous)

• Al: marah (angry)

• P: sedih (sad), gila (crazy), anxious, adoration, admire, kesepian (lonely)

• Em: senang (happy)

• Da: malu (shy), sayang (love, careful), stress

• Do: kaget (shocked), egois (selfish).

• Ek: rindu (longing)

• Ul: menang sendiri (selfish).

• So: khawatir/bingung (worry, nervous). galau (nervous;new language)


They did pretty well, recalling 23 emotions. 


"Selfish" can be seen as an emotion.

So: selfish can also be expressed in an aggressive/angry way.


Have a look at the emotions banner


4. Drama:


Recognize the characters from the nonverbale language

 Sara and Nancy are talking together about the weather:

1) Nancy is a penbantu of a first lady (Sara), who tries to flatter and adulate Sara.

Sara answers with superiority.

2) Nancy is Sara's mum, and they are going home. Nancy talks in order to console Sara who is too tired to walk.


The kids had to guess (they weren’t aware, obviously) who the characters were in the two situations mentioned above, they could only deduce from the non-verbal language.


First situation:

• *Em: both want to buy something. They are sisters.

• Do: Sara is an ibu and Nancy the pembantu

• Sy: a rich lady shopping with her servant


Second situation:

-Ek: Nancy is a doctor and Sara is a child

-Da: Sara is a street-kid and Nancy a rescuer who tries to persuade Sara to come along.

-M: Sara is a child and Nancy is the nanny. Sara is afraid of the weather.

It  is interesting to observe that they didnt think of a mother with her child.

Question: what is more important: body language or words?


-Ar, Em and Rian: words

-M: both

-T: body language and facial expression

-The rest of the kids: body language


Explanation of the poster about communication (55% body language, 38% tone of the voice, 7% words) .

The children said that they understood the concept.


5. Circle:


• Rhythmical circle

• “Pass” the smile, scare, sadness 

• *The kids had a lot of fun. Especially when passing the scare, they ended up giggling and shouting.


6. Sara plays Il Carnevale di Venezia, by Paganini.


The kids will draw or write anything that makes them excited, joyful or happy, inspired by the music:


• *Em, Fe: sat close together

• Al, R: sat together and looked at what the other was doing

• L and Do sat apart from the others (and each other) at the table

• Sy and T sat together


Discussion of several drawings:


• Em: “falling in love.” The boy gives the girl flowers. Interesting: on the back of the drawing she drew 2 girls holding their hands with text: “tidal usah sedih” (no need to feel sad)

• M: senang (happy). Drawing about a violinist. Text: ibu saya (my mother). He enjoyed the music.

• Do: drawing about mountains/hills and people walking on top, carrying something. It's about holiday: people are carrying gears. Feeling murung (sad) because tired.

• Da: Happy feeling. He wrote a text about praising the lord. According to So, he is very religious and he attends religious classes.

• Ek: Happy because everyone is together and they are all listening to the music. He made a drawing about a house, containing numbers, symbols and text: “I'm happy.”

• P: Drawing about a soccer-field, 2 boys, trees. Text: “Keep your friend. Don't let go.

           Nothing lasts forever in this world and I hope no one can find eternity.

           Let me live alone. In my life and in this world, I don't need to be a friend or have friends.

           Always be a person who is grateful for this life. The tree is my best friend and it is like my father.”

           Feelings: happy and sad at the same time. Happy because the tree is his best friend and it is always with him and sad because nothing is eternal. Your friends may leave you, but you must have your best friend.

• T: feeling sad at the beginning, her father is at the hospital but happy because he can go to the park and relax. Drawing about 2 girls on both the sides of the paper with flowers in the middle. One girl looks happy, the other one doesn't. Text: ”I am a shy person.”






7. Emotion orchestra


Kids divided in groups of 4. Sara explained the exercise by first pretending they are a real orchestra and she conducted them. Then, she assigned them different emotions.

• So: conducts.

• Angry: M, Sy, Da

• Happy/laughter: P, T, Ul, Do

• Sad: R, Al, Em, Ek

• Scared: L, Su, Maya


*They’ve followed So's interactions very well.


8. Sit in circle.


Su explained that every piece of music provokes in people different kind of feelings. That's why all the drawings made while Sara was playing are so different from each other.


9. Statue emotions in pairs.


It was slightly chaotic, but the kids did well and they enjoyed the exercise.

10. Drama in couples:


Made a sketch about what makes them happy


• So is the presenter

• T and P: Rich and poor people


P sits sadly on the floor. T asks if he's hungry and gives him food.


• M and Da:

Da is playing with a phone. Ties his shoes up and he walks on, but he forgets his phone. M runs after him to give the phone back. Da asks whether M wants a reward, but he says that he doesn't want anything. Then Da says that he wants to buy M a phone, making him very happy.


• Al and Do:

Al sits on a bench; Do goes to him and asks if Al wants to play a video-game with him. They're happy to play together.


• R and Ek:

R sits with Ek. Ek offers to bring R to England by plane.


• Sy (Entis) and Ar:

Ar is a student; Entis (Sy) gives the homework and then checks it. He says that Ar has got a good score.


• L and Em:

They sit together, So goes to them with a note. It's an invitation for a ball at the king's palace. They go to the ball and dance.


• Su and Ul:

Ul is the professor and Su is a student. Ul compliments Su for her homework.


11. End. Musica Musica


Overall there was a good atmosphere during the session. It looked like the kids were eager to follow the exercises and all of them participated well.


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