Thursday, November 13, 2014

Report of the activities held on November 6th, at Kdm Jakarta

Theme: Trust, body awareness



Scarves: Mara, Benedetta, Mette, Nancy

Balloons: Nancy


Participants: Blue Class

Trainers: Ibu Uut, Mette, Mara, Benedetta, Nancy


1.     Name song (5 mins)

2.     Active startup game: (10 mins)

Playing "catch the sheep"

In the outside covered area the children are divided in two groups.

One group are foxes and have to catch the sheep.

The walls are safe places for the sheep but they can only stay for 5 seconds at a time. once they have counted to 5 they have to move on.

When a Fox catches a sheep, the sheep becomes a Fox too.

You can recognise the sheeps by a scarf (or something else) stuck to their pants and wavering after them. Once they become foxes the scarves are taken off.

The game ends when all the sheep are caught and the winner is the last remaining sheep.

We restricted the 'safe walls' to the coloured pillars, to make sure it wouldn't be too hard for the foxes to catch the sheep. M. was very happy to play the game and throughout the session, he kept asking whether we would play it again. All the kids seemed to enjoy the game.


3. Moving the balloon down a row: (15 mins) (Teambuilding)

The children are divided in two groups and stand in a line.

The front person in every line is handed a balloon that must be handed down the line by only using the knees. No hands allowed!

If the balloon is dropped the group starts over from the beginning.

The winners are the group that get the balloon from one end of the line and back again.

We started with dividing the kids into 2 groups. That was quite difficult: we numbered them 1,2,1,2,.... but the bigger kids didn't look too happy with some of their team mates. First they passed the balloon with their knees. F.'s team won. When he started to make derogative gestures and sounds, we requested both teams to say appreciative things about each other.

It was very difficult for the kids to stay on their spot, once they passed on the balloon, they moved with it to see what the other kids in their group did, thus making it difficult to pass the balloon back into the line in an organised manner.

Then we divided the kids into new groups, some didn't accept the new division because they said they were assigned another number before.

When we finally assembled the group, f.'s group lost, he was very angry with that. We then asked them to sit on the floor and pass the balloon with their feet, that seemed easier to do regarding the height difference between the kids. F.'s team lost again and f. tried to win by cheating.


4. Blind Tunnel: One person runs as fast as possible with eyes closed between two lines of people and is stopped at the end by two or three people who form a soft bumper. (this game requires a lot of trust).

It was very difficult to get the kids into 2 lines. The 3 big boys kept being disruptive, especially one was in a very non-responsive mood. The kids seem to like the game, but kept giving wrong directions to the kids with the blindfold. We couldn't came clear to them what the goal of the game was.

Body awareness, Trust

Balloon game (sitting): (15 mins)

at the beginning you feel stressed because you think is gonna brake-blow up, 

body, physical reactions (sweating hands, muscles tight)

Emotion reactions (afraid, insecure)

Not enough time to do this plus the kids were very unruly were very disruptive to the other kids. The 3 boys got into an argument.

5. Musica Musica

The kids usually like the song. Today they sang it very loudly.

All in all not an easy session. The smaller kids were drowned out by the behaviour of the bigger boys. A. was a bit upset, he said he didn't like all the noise and the fighting.



Yellow Class


Participants: Yellow Class

Trainers: staffmember KDM (to help translate), Mara, Benedetta, Mette, Nancy

1.Startsong: Little Green Frog


Mmm mmm,

Said the litthe green frog one day

Mmm mmm

Said the little green frog

Mmm mmm

Said the little green frog one day

And the frogs said mm mm aaah


Now we all frogs go

Na na na na nah  3x

Now we all frogs go

Na na na na nah,

We don’t go

Mm mm aah

They like to sing the song in canon after the 1st time sing it all together. T. and a. seem to have fun.


2. The common jump" (10 mins)

This is a quick exercise that is good for teambuilding.

The children form a circle and stand shoulder to shoulder.

The goal is for the children to squat down and jump up at exactly the same time, keeping their shoulders together and all at the same time!

Now with no words, only looking at each other the children squat down and have to jump at the same time in a group.

Mette, Mara, Benedetta and Nancy made an example first. The kids made 2 groups and got the hang of it quite fast. 1 group watched while the other group performed the jump.

Then they had to comment whether they thought the other group worked well together or not. They were were positive about each other.


Body awareness, Trust

3. Balloon game (sitting): (15 mins)

at the beginning you feel stressed because you think is gonna brake-blow up, 

body, physical reactions (sweating hands, muscles tight)

Emotion reactions (afraid, insecure)

N. was a bit scared, didn't really know what to do with the balloon.

They seemed quite at ease, I asked them to move around on the balloon and they started playing and making sounds with the balloon.

Then I asked them (in the last minute) to jump so hard on the balloon that it would explode. The boys had a good time with that. S. didn't want to do it, it scared her.

A.: It hurt when the balloon exploded. No thought

S.: tegang (stressed)

R.: normal

T.: normal

A.: normal

R.: afraid, heart beating fast

E.: Bouncy. pain in his bottom when the balloon exploded.

A.: normal

T.: afraid that balloon exploded

D.: nice feeling

F.: normal

B.: heart beat fast


4. Moving the balloon down a row: (15 mins) (Teambuilding)

The children are divided in two groups and stand in a line.

The front person in every line is handed a balloon that must be handed down the line by only using the knees. No hands allowed!

If the balloon is dropped the group starts over from the beginning.

The winners are the group that get the balloon from one end of the line and back again.

They cooperated quite well and didn't seem to mind whether they lost or won. Everybody was laughing. 

Groups of 4. 3 kids are the catchers, 1 kid has to trust and fall into friends' arms. Mette gave some important pointers: they have to discuss how they catch, the child that will fall looks back first and makes sure he/she feels safe before he/she makes the fall.

1. 4 kids: The catchers stood next to each other and waited until the child that falls made his/her move.

2. 4 other kids : discussed first how they would catch, then made a safety net with their arms for the one that falls. They were very trusting in each other. D. and e. are good in giving directions.

3. 4 other kids : They were a bit unsure. copied group 2, but at first t. thought he could just stand in front. 2 kids hold each others wrists, 3 in back. They were making comments about f. (it would be difficult to catch her?) Mette suggested to ask them questions how to achieve a feeling of safety and thus avoiding focusing on body weight, etc.

How to achieve feeling of safety: t.: work together. D.: focus. T.: be compact as a group. S.: discipline. A.: trust.

How to achieve trust: g. says he was afraid to fall. Then d. and the others showed their idea of how to catch which meade him feel safe.

What makes it difficult to trust.: i.: gives example s.. She was already afraid, which made the others insecure.

How to feel more secure: e.: be more careful and give more encouragement. F. says it doesn't work with her, she's always afraid. The others feel safe with each other.

Trust Cars (if we have time) 10 mins

Players, with a partner, stand one in front of the other. The person in front is required to close their eyes and 'trust' the person behind, who has their hands on the front persons shoulders and “steers” them as they move forward together. Meanwhile the leader is calling out commands such as 1st gear (walk) 2nd gear (faster walk) 3rd gear (slow jog) and so on up until 5th gear. To be difficult the leader can call out reverse gear at any time. The person in front trusts the person behind to steer them correctly whilst keeping their eyes closed – can be very scary if you're the person in front!

Kids were very tired, so didn't want to do the game. They said they had a lot to think about and wanted to end with Musica Musica.

5. Musica Musica song

Make a circle while singing the song. Mara suggests to make fun movements: make the circle smaller and bigger, move around in the circle.

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