Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Report of the activities held on March 14th, 2014, at KDM - Street Children World Cup 2014

Friday 14th, March - Workshop for the streetchildren joining the World Cup 2014, in Brazil

Educators: Nancy, Susanne, Benedetta, Sotar and Jessica and Natalia

Participants: 30 kids trained for the soccer world cup

what to bring: 

- props for the  work group (carnival mask, djembe, ..) (Susanne, Nancy, Jessica)

- informations about the 5 Countries  (Susanne, Nancy, Jessica)

- Stickers with names (Jessica) 

- print lyrics of Indonesia Raya in 10 sheets (Jessica)

- put on banner of golden rules and non  verbal communication (Jessica)

- white board marker (to write on the board) (Nancy)

- Speakers to make the song Ya Sudalah be heard at a good volume (Jessica)



·      Rhythmical circle

5 min

At first kids seemed to be a bit uncomfortable, but after a few minutes they seem to like it. It was funny when we made the rhythm very fast.

·      Introduce our selves singing a typical Dutch/ Italian song in funny ways:

The kids can guess

5 min


·      The kids sing Indonesian Raya and watch the video about the games and sing with the song.

5 min

Kids were watching very intently to the video. 

- Expectations

hang a big sheet on the wall and ask them good and bad expectations, and write it down, and be prepared.

15 min

They all were cooperative. It took a while before all the notes were done. Some were discussing it with their friends.
The way the behaved looked like they could get along with each other quite well. Lot of physical contact, hanging against each other.

- meet new friends
- visit the Jesus statue, on the Corcovado
- play soccer
- meet tall people
- meet different kinds of people: language, appearance etc
- make Indonesia proud
- meet famous soccer players
- stay in a hotel
-  go to a real stadium
- meet Brazilians
- see Rio de Janeiro
- win the game

- plane crash
- no rice
- weather
- afraid they lose


(- Talking about diversity / cultures ; talking about differences : do they notice difference in bodylanguage, tone of voice, facial expression.

5 min)

They expect they will be able to communicate with the people they will meet.

Explain verbal - nonverbal communication 
Watch video about communication

·      Divide in 5 groups – 5 leaders speaking bahasa

first collect what they already know

then give materials about the countries

Brazil: carnaval dancing, very open, high tone of voice, much emotion, fantasy soccer, christians

Kenya: percussion, open, loud, fast, christian religian

India: more internalise emotions, lots of respect for the other, no touch, softer tone of voice, kind , polite, smile, muslim/ budhist

England: direct, drinking alcohol, loud, more individualist, technical soccer player, no specific religion.

 US: voice tone, confident, ambitious, everything is very big

Groups work on typical ways of behavior with educator. 

4 groups are sitting, 1 group plays. 

They have to make a scene of something happening in that Country.


Kids were very fast and very confident in making and presenting something about the country they picked
Especially with the props they had a lot of fun. Eventhough it was a bit noisy, most of the kids paid attention to the group who presented their country.




 ·      Greetings: bow , hugging, shaking hands, kisses

- clashes of culture when greeting in different ways

7 min


-      Non verbal communication/ How to behave : play to laugh at people, wisper, to point, meaning of handsign/ bodylanguage.

 make a scene, Becky, Susanne and Nancy play a scene about someone who gets laughed about because of the colour of their skin


 15 min

Explain that while Indonesians find it acceptable to compare the skin colour or make comments about it, for other cultures it's offensive


- Finish with Ya Sudalah (ask for speakers at KDM)

Nancy will start a coreography in a circle, and then each kid will propose a movement that the others will copy.

Everybody joined to sing the song

Overall: it was a bit chaotic because of the size of the group, we didn't know most of the kids, and we weren't sure how well informed the kids already were. But the atmosphere was very good. Kids were cooperative and asked questions.

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